Who am I?
I am an archaeology and ceramics trained visual art teacher who believes that joy and curiosity should be at the centre of students’ school experience. I am interested in project-based, interdisciplinary, student-centred learning. As a result, students in my classes typically produce very divergent outcomes which are based on their own interests and strengths.
Art makes people powerful
As an art teacher, I believe in the power of art to transform one’s view of the world, leading to deeper shared understanding and personal well-being. Young artists are encouraged to select local or global issues which are important to them as a basis for artworks which seek to make positive change in the world.
Student work (G6)
My own experience coming to visual art as a mature student informs my art teaching on a daily basis. When I share my journey learning to draw from scratch in my thirties, less confident students can suddenly understand that artists are made not born. A regular piece of feedback I hear from parents is how their child didn’t used to see themselves as an artist before my class.
I continue to develop my own art making skills through regular courses and in my own practice, and enjoy modelling a growth mindset.